
Regulamento de competição da World Shotokan Karate Association
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World Shotokan Karate Association

Fases Eliminatórias
1aShitei Kata¹ até classificar 16 atletas: Heian (Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan,
        Godan) e Tekki Shodan;
2aShitei Kata² até classificar 8 atletas: (Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion e Empi);
3aSentei Kata³ até classificar  4 atletas: (Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion, Empi e Hangetsu)
Final - Sentei Kata³: Bassai Dai, Kanku dai, Jion, Empi e Hangetsu.    OU
Sentei Kata4: Bassai Sho, Kanku Sho, Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Jitte, Jiin, Gankaku, Chinte,Unsu, Sochin, Nijushiho, Meikyo, Gojushiho Dai, Gojushiho Sho, Wankan. Neste caso, não poderá repetir o kata (Sentei Kata³) realizado na fase  semi-final (eliminatórias)
Categorias Open - Fase Eliminatória:  Ippon Shobu até semi-finais, 2 minutos cronometrados;
Finais Sanbon-shobu-Melhor de 3 rounds,2 minutos cada round




A Children 14 to 15 Years inclusive
Male individual Kumite (4 per country)
Male individual Kata (4 per country)
Female individual Kumite (4 per country)
Female individual Kata (4 per country)
nb: 14/15 year olds can participate in Individual Cadet Kata categories (but not Kumite)

B Cadets 16 to 17 Years inclusive
Female Cadet Individual Kata (4 per country)
Female Cadet Individual Kumite (4 per country)
Female Cadet Team Kumite (3 person team)
Male Cadet Individual Kata (4 per country)
Male Cadet Individual Kumite (4 per country)
Male Cadet Team Kumite (3 person team)
Note: Cadets can participate in Individual Junior Kata and Kumite categories

C Juniors 18 to 20 Years inclusive
Female Cadet Individual Kata (4 per country)
Female Junior Individual Kata (4 per country)
Female Junior Individual Kumite (4 per country)
Female Junior Team Kumite (3 person team)
Male Junior Individual Kata (4 per country)
Male Junior Individual Kumite (4 per country)
Male Junior Team Kumite (3 person team)
Note: Juniors can participate in Individual Senior Kata and Kumite categories

D Seniors 21 Years and above
Female Cadet Individual Kata (4 per country)
Female Senior Individual Kata (4 per country)
Female Senior Individual Kumite (4 per country)
Female Senior Team Kata (3 person team)
Female Senior Team Kumite (3 person team)
Male Senior Individual Kata (4 per country)
Male Senior Individual Kumite (6 per country)
Male Senior Team Kata (3 person team)
Male Senior Team Kumite (5 person team)

E Team Kata
Female Junior 14 -20 Years inclusive
Female Senior 18 years and over
Male Junior 14 - 20 Years inclusive
Male Senior 18 years and over

Note:  that the age of the competitor on the first day of the championship is applicable for all a

Estimado filiado, esta é a sua oportunidade de participar juntamente com seus alunos da ELITE do karate shotokan mundial - Campeonato Mundial de Karate na Polônia nos dias 2,3 e 4 de Outubro de 2015.

Brevemente, estaremos realizando um evento para selecionador os atletas que completarão as vagas da Seleção Brasileira que estará disputando o mundial.


Fidelidade com o verdadeiro caminho da razão.